Dança e Expressão Corporal
Artigos e Publicações
Vídeos sobre Dança & Tarô

Irina Akulenko - "Justice" from "Tarot - Fantasy Belly Dance" DVD - WorldDanceNewYork.com

High Priestess from Tarot - Sarah Locke - Fantasy Belly Dance by World Dance New York

Ayshe - Empress (Parvati) - from the "Tarot - Fantasy Belly Dance" concert by World Dance New York

Anasma - Devil - from the "Tarot - Fantasy Belly Dance" by World Dance New York

Tarot: The Fool

Autumn Ward - Judgement - from the "Tarot - Fantasy Belly Dance" by World Dance New York

La Catalina - tribal fusion | Tarot Arcane "The Moon" @Tribal Connection 2015